The Free Report on Benefits of Battery Service helps you to know more about the importance of Battery Maintenance. It also gives you detailed information on what is covered under Battery Maintenance. The Report is given along with Pictures which will help you to understand the procedure immediately.
The battery is a store House of Energy. It stores the energy which can be utilized as and when required.
It acts on the principle of reversible chemical process.
There are different varieties of Batteries:
1) Dry type maintenance free.
2) Low maintenance, Tubular or Stationary Battery.
3) Normal Lead Acid Battery.
Although the Dry type Batteries are more preferred, it’s high acquisition cost makes it completely unsuitable for Inverter applications.
- Dry Batteries are useful only when small backup is required, may be less than half an hour or so. Hence we will not consider them over here.
- Low maintenance or Tubular stationary Batteries are good option vis- a-vis their life expectancy and performance. The advantage of these Batteries are low topping up required, may be after every two months or so depending on the Battery type. The life of these Batteries may vary from 3 to 5 years.
The plates and connecting rods are thick, in which lead is mounted over copper plates. This gives the Battery high reliability, efficiency, and greater life than the regular one. Nowadays Tubular Batteries are mostly connected to Inverter for better performance.
Some of the Batteries available under such categories are Unitech Tubular, Luminous, Exide-Inva-Plus, EL as well as ELF range. In past couple of months, the prices of Tubular and Semi-Tubular Batteries have steadily come down. Tubular Batteries are always better in comparison with even Branded Lead Acid Automobile Batteries so I recommend Tubular Batteries to be used for Inverter applications.
The Benefits of Tubular Batteries are given below:
a) Long life (More than 3 to 5 years)
b) Less Maintenance required.
c) Warrantee is normally 2 to 3 years.
d) Can be charged quickly.
e) Consumes less electrical power for charging vis-à-vis usual automobile Battery.
f) Enhanced performance
Typically Tubular batteries give you Overall best value for your money.
Lot of people ask me which Battery do you use for your Inverter, We generally use Tubular Batteries like Unitech Tubular, Exide-Inva-Plus or Excide Inva Master depending on case to case basis.
Since we are into this Inverter business for last 20 years, we have tested many Batteries and have found these Batteries good amongst them.
As we have direct tie-up with the Distributors and Manufacturer’s Representative, it automatically results in really good support if the problem comes at all.
I recommend these Batteries as it gives 3 ‘P’s: Price, Performance and Peace of Mind.
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