Thank you for visiting Frequently asked questions page of www.sudhanenterprises.com.
Here you will find all the Answers for your Queries regarding our Products and Services.
Below given are the list of Frequently Asked Questions.
What is your Product ?
We are manufacturing Power Inverters in the brand name “NOVA-PRO™” which can be used as an alternate power source in case of utility supply failure.
How does NOVA-PRO Inverter works ?
NOVA-PRO Inverter is connected between MSEB supply & gadgets. During mains supply, it gives the same electrical supply to gadgets and charge Battery till the Battery is fully charged. It has a regulated in-built Battery charger (which converts AC mains supply to DC). During power failure the stored energy in Battery (DC supply) is converted to AC through Inverter & you get the AC supply within fractions of second. There is no noticeable difference.
Do you have various Models ? How can we select the appropriate Model suitable to serve our purpose ?
Yes, we have various Models for NOVA-PRO Inverter which can suit the site condition. It is suitable for Homes, Office, Hospitals, Shops, Banks, etc. For details, visit the Brochure page
Do you supply the Battery along with NOVA-PRO Inverter ? What is the cost of Battery ? How long will it work ?
Yes, we supply the Battery along with NOVA-PRO Inverter. But please note that the Batteries are not manufactured by us.
The Battery specification differs as per the requirement of the Customer. Hence cost of Tubular Battery depends on the specification you require. Also the cost are flexible due to the market condition. It is not possible to put the cost details here, You can send us email on to know the current cost as per your requirement.
How should we make a Complaint ? When will it be attended ?
- You can register your Complaints via Telephone 2207095/ 9594780005 during Office hours (10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.) barring Thursday.
- You can register your Complaints by visiting our Website and filling the Complaint form.
- You can also send an Email to us on infoATsudhanenterprises.com. [Replace AT with@ . This is done to avoid Spam Bots]
The Complaints of the Customers in town and around areas are attended on the same or other day of Complaint receipt, within a couple of hours.
Only the distant Complaints will be attended on the next day.
Who are your Customers ? How many Customers are there ? Who are your Major Customers in my area ?
We have more than 3500 + satisfied Customers from last twenty years.
Our Customers include Doctors, C.A.’s, Lawyers, Cloth Merchants, Hotel Owners & Businessmen. A large portion of our Customers are house-hold Users.
What are the other Products & Services in which you deal ?
We also deal in UPS Systems for the Computers, and Air-conditioners.
What is difference between Diesel / Petrol Generator & your NOVA-PRO Inverter ?
Diesel / Petrol Generator is a total different concept. In Diesel / Petrol Generator you create the Electrical Energy by means of Diesel & Petrol. You have to start the Generator manually by pressing Button or pulling Chord. It gives heavy Noise & Smoke. It is not Automatic as needs heavy Maintenance. The approximate per hourly cost of this Generator is Rs.15/- to Rs.25/- Whereas an NOVA-PRO Inverter [Electronic Inverter] is fully Automatic i.e. it starts automatically on Power failure and stops after the power resumes. It is Pollution free, smoke & noise free. NOVA-PRO Inverter requires very low maintenance. Hence NOVA-PRO Inverter is very cost effective as its per hour cost is 50 paisa to 2 rupee.
Why are the costs on higher side compared to Competition ?
Please refer to our Web page Reasons why you feel our cost are high?
Does Battery requires any Maintenance ? What type of Maintenance is required ? Do you give the Maintenance Service ? What is the cost of the same ?
Yes, Battery requires Maintenance like putting Distilled Water in the Battery Cells, cleaning the Carbon deposits on the Battery Terminals & Poles, applying of Petroleum Jelly, etc.
We gladly render the Battery Maintenance Service to more than 85% of our Customers since Installations.
We have a separate Department to carry out this Service. An Administrative Executive takes care of all the back-office work. All the Servicing details are handled carefully in Computer in a specially designed Database to record this Battery Maintenance records. We have trained Technicians to carry out the Battery servicing. The Servicemen carry out the Servicing area-wise daily.
Regularly every Month, we give this Service to Customers residing from Badlapur to Thane region. To carry out this Maintenance Service, we follow the AMC method i.e. Annual Maintenance Contract. We offer a Complementary Service for first Year after the installation and thereafter the same Service is carried out under an AMC. The charges for the Battery Maintenance Service depend on various areas.
Are all your Customers satisfied with your Product and Services ?
To answer this, we cite an example.
We started the Company from scratch and within a short span of 20 Years, we could get more than 3500+ Customers & today we have 24 hours open Online Office to cater to the needs of the Customers.
All this is possible only due to the satisfied Customers. We believe in ” One satisfied Customer brings another Ten” which is happening now. Still for your reference we have attached the list of the Customers, to whom you can contact & get the first hand information from them regarding our Service.
If the supplied System has any defect, how do you repair ?
We have a fully organized Service System which takes care of repairs. We have trained set of people who give the best possible Service. We keep Computerized data of all the Customers & the Complaints received for fast Service & R&D purpose. Hence it is very easy to repair the Inverter System. In case major breakdowns with the supplied System i.e. in Warranty period, we also replace the Inverter if need arises and Customer is unhappy.
How long you are in this field ?
We are in this field for the last twenty five years.
How is NOVA-PRO Inverter connected ? Is any wiring required for it ?
NOVA-PRO Inverter is connected to the desired electrical points via a single Wire to the particular Switch / Switches.
The Phase Wire of MSEB or SEB (State Electricity Board) is removed and at the same place the Phase Wire coming through NOVA-PRO Inverter is connected. This ensures that the NOVA-PRO Inverter is in series to the load. Hence during Power supply the Switch / Switches get the MSEB Phase connection via NOVA-PRO Inverter and upon Power failure NOVA-PRO Inverter supplies the Phase to the corresponding points within fractions of seconds thereby giving an uninterrupted supply.
Is the parallel Wiring possible in case of Concealed or False Ceiling Wiring ?
Yes, in case of Concealed or False Ceiling, parallel wiring for NOVA-PRO Inverter is possible.
Do you give the After Sales Service ? In what way ?
We give the After Sales Service to our Customers. For the purpose, we have specially trained Technicians.
The Complaints of the Customers in town and around areas are attended on the same or next day upon the Complaint receipt.
Only the distant Complaints are attended on the next day.
An Administrative Executive takes care of the back-office work of the Complaint arising for NOVA-PRO Inverter.
Whenever any Complaint is received, the Customer is given the Complaint No. and approximate time when the Complaint will be attended.
The Complaint is recorded in the Database under the same Complaint No. so as to track the Complaint. Once the Complaint is attended by the Technician and report is submitted to the concerned Executive, she records the report in the Complaint Database.
What are the charges taken for the Service ? Do you charge within Warranty period, if the Unit has a major breakdown ? In what circumstances, the Warranty is assumed to be void ?
Our charges are very nominal as we believe in Customer satisfaction which leads to our satisfaction.
No, we do not take any charges during Warranty period even if the Inverter has a major breakdown. But Warranty is treated to be void in case the breakdown caused due to negligence, misuse, faulty care or if caused due to repairs done by an unauthorized person. Warranty does not covers the external Wiring done for Inverter, hence any Wiring complaint arising during Guarantee period will be charged (excluding Visiting charges)
What is the cost of NOVA-PRO Inverter ?
Please send us an Email or contact us on Phone 91-251-2207095/ 9594780005 for your enquiry alongwith the load and site details so as to give you the exact quotation.
What are the Warranty terms ?
All our Systems are Warranty for ONE Year against any manufacturing defects.